Who’s liable for gangway injuries?

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Unless you’re doing a Mission Impossible-style entrance, a ship journey begins and ends the same way, whether for work or fun: along a gangway. 

Transitioning from the dock to the boat, whether a small tugboat or a cruise ship, can get tricky. The uneven surface, pressure to quickly board or disembark, a slippery gangplank, or one without proper fall prevention protection can all lead to serious gangplank injuries, including falling into the water!

No one wants to start or end their journey with a twisted ankle, spinal cord injury, or worse. But unfortunately, gangway injuries are quite common in the ports around Houston. If you’ve been hurt on a gangway, you have the right to demand fair compensation from the at-fault party. 

An experienced Houston maritime injury lawyer from Havens & Associates can help you get the justice you deserve.

gangway injuries

Vessel owners responsibility for gangplank injuries

U.S. maritime law requires vessel owners and operators to maintain the seaworthiness of their watercraft, including essential components like gangways. It is crucial that fall prevention equipment is in place and effective to meet these seaworthiness standards.

Passengers or crew injured in a gangway accident may have grounds to file a claim for compensation against the vessel owner, operator, and any other liable parties for negligence.

When would a shipowner or operator be liable for my gangplank injury?

The vessel’s owner is responsible for ensuring it’s safe and seaworthy, even if they entrust it to another party. 

Legally speaking, the buck often stops here. The operator is also responsible for the safety of the vessel’s passengers and crew. Sometimes, your attorney may name both parties as defendants in your claim.

Negligence that leads to a gangplank injury can happen in any number of ways:

  • The gangway isn’t the right length or height, forcing passengers to walk up a steep slope or making the handrails inaccessible.
  • The surface is slippery or not equipped with proper non-skid strips or ribs.
  • The gangplank is in poor repair, leading to an increased risk of a slip-and-fall.
  • The gangway is cluttered with obstructions or may not be sufficiently dry.
  • No guardrails, handrails, or stanchions that aren’t strong enough or high enough to properly aid in support.
  • Poor lighting and visibility. Even in stormy weather or dark conditions, enough light should be provided for people to see where they are walking.
  • The gangway isn’t properly secured to the dock, causing movement or separation and increasing the accident risk.
  • Weight miscalculation or overloading. This can occur through negligence or poor control over traffic flow along the gangway.
  • A floating dock is used in the wrong situations. While they may be appropriate for some vessels, they’re much less stable than an elevated gangplank.

These may not be the only causes of gangway injuries. If you’ve been hurt, you may be able to file suit for damages, including your medical care, pain and suffering, property damage, and other losses.

Help is here for gangway accident victims

If you’ve been hurt in a gangway accident, you could be eligible for compensation from the vessel owner, operator, or both. 

Learn more in a free consultation with a Houston maritime injury attorney from Havens & Associates. Contact us online or call (713) 955-2215 today.

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