Houston Crane Accident Lawyer

Cranes are integral to many industries in Houston, from dock work to construction and even offshore operations. As a construction worker, stevedore, longshoreman, or offshore rig worker, you’re likely near one or more cranes daily at work. You understand how dangerous these large machines can be and how quickly a catastrophic accident can happen. If you’ve experienced firsthand the terrifying and painful reality of a crane accident, we can help.

At Havens & Associates, led by seasoned trial lawyer Jonny Havens, we’re dedicated to securing maximum compensation for individuals like you injured in crane accidents. Jonny has a proven track record of obtaining multimillion-dollar settlements and jury verdicts on behalf of plaintiffs. Call us today at (713) 955-2215 for a free consultation with a Houston crane accident lawyer.

Crane crashing into a building. Houston Crane Accident Lawyer.

How Can Havens & Associates Help You After a Crane Accident?

Texas doesn’t require business owners to carry workers’ compensation insurance, a benefit that covers all medically necessary care and lost wages. It’s optional coverage, so if your employer doesn’t have it, your only option for getting your medical bills and other losses paid for is filing a lawsuit against the negligent party.

A Houston crane accident lawyer from Havens & Associates can help you in multiple ways, including advising you on compensation options. If you file for workers’ comp, your lawyer can ensure no delays impact your claim and fight a denial by your employer or insurance company.

If you decide to file a lawsuit, a lawyer from Havens & Associates can provide invaluable assistance by:

Your lawyer from Havens & Associates is your guide through the legal process and your protector, shielding you from antagonistic phone calls or emails from the defendant, their lawyer, and their insurance company. You can focus on healing while your lawyer pursues your claim.

What Will It Cost to Hire Havens & Associates?

At Havens & Associates, we believe in providing top-quality legal representation to everyone. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis – we only get paid if you do. During your free initial consultation, we’ll gladly discuss fees and payment arrangements with you.

Why Do Crane Accidents Happen in Houston?

Did you know that Texas leads the nation in crane accidents? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 50 people perished in crane accidents over a recent six-year period, with many others grievously injured. Like many construction and maritime accidents, crane accidents in Houston are primarily caused by human error. Jonny Havens, with his background in handling high-stakes cases and his meticulous attention to detail, will thoroughly investigate to pinpoint the specific mistakes, oversight, or negligence that led to your accident.

Crane accidents caused by human error can happen in several ways:

Additional Causes of Crane Accidents in Houston

Lack of training may not be the only cause of an accident or crane collapse in Houston. Other reasons a crane-related injury could happen include:

Nearly half of crane accident deaths occur in the construction industry, with maritime and oil and gas sectors not far behind. Crane operators are most at risk, followed by those responsible for building or dismantling a crane.

Common Crane Accident Injuries and How Havens & Associates Can Help

Man fell off crane and suffered a back and neck injury. Common crane accident injuries

The weight of a crane and the items it moves often means that injuries from crane accidents are often catastrophic. Some of the most common injuries include:

Any of these injuries can mean months of painful recovery without guaranteeing you’ll regain your abilities. You may end up with limited mobility or function or could become disabled and unable to continue in your current job.

Crane accident injuries also carry a psychological component. Many people become depressed or develop anxiety after a severe accident. These mental health struggles may be exacerbated by your struggles to get back to work or no longer being able to work.

Your compensation should cover all your losses, both physical and emotional. Let Havens & Associates properly value your claim.

How Does Our Firm Identify Liability in Houston Crane Accidents?

Legally liable parties in a Houston crane accident can include more than just the crane worker. Potentially liable parties in your accident can include:

Liability in Houston crane accidents can quickly become complicated. Jonny Havens, whose military and combat experience coupled with his top-notch legal education make him a formidable foe, will thoroughly investigate your accident to advise you of your legal options in the wake of a painful crane accident.

Your claim may involve multiple liable parties, which can affect any compensation you may receive. However, insurance companies don’t usually pay large claims without a fight. They may try to pin full responsibility for the accident on you – even if you were just a bystander.

Without a Houston crane accident lawyer with Havens & Associates by your side, your rights and interests may get trampled on, or the insurance company may delay until the statute of limitations for filing a claim runs out. An attorney fights for you and combats the tricks insurance companies try to pull.

Navigating Maritime Crane Accidents with Havens & Associates

Maritime crane accident off of a Houston harbor

Cranes are commonly used in Houston maritime and offshore industries. Many companies rely on these large machines to do the heavy lifting for oil rigs, ships, and more. Your legal options differ if you are a maritime or dockside worker or if your job takes you into the Gulf or elsewhere offshore.

You may be eligible to demand compensation under the terms of The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act, which provides coverage for all medically necessary care for your injury and covers expenses for living and bills under the Act’s maintenance and cure provision.

More likely, you’re eligible for benefits under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). The LHWCA covers medical care and disability payments for injured stevedores and longshoremen who qualify. It also provides survivorship benefits for a worker who passed away from a crane accident injury.

What Compensation Can You Receive After a Crane Accident?

Your compensation after a crane accident depends on several factors, including your employment circumstances, where it occurred, and what kind of insurance coverage applies.

If your employer carries workers’ compensation insurance, you may be eligible for:

However, workers’ compensation may only be an option for some injured Houston employees. In these cases, you often must file a lawsuit against the party or parties liable for the accident. In these cases, your damages can include:

In some cases, a plaintiff may also be eligible for punitive damages. Punitive damages are assessed against defendants whose actions or negligence are egregious or demonstrate a marked disregard for the safety of others.

Compensation for Undocumented Workers After Crane Accidents

If there is a valid employer-employee relationship between the undocumented worker and the company they’re working for, they may claim workers’ compensation if the employer carries it.

Being undocumented does not preclude someone from filing a personal injury lawsuit, either. You may be protected from disclosing your immigration status during the process, although a lawyer can provide more protections than you’d have alone.

Hurt in a Crane Accident? Havens & Associates is Here to Help

Have you or someone you love been hurt in a crane accident? Do you believe someone else’s negligence caused your injury? A Houston crane accident lawyer from Havens & Associates will help you seek justice and demand total compensation. Call us at (713) 955-2215 for a free consultation.

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For a Free Consultation

Johny Havens

Personal Injury Lawyer